With college tuition rising every year, the possibility of attending college becomes very slim for many Americans. It is very vital that the state step in and create legislation that will help out college students obtain the degree they desire.
I found a very interesting article in the blog H-Kan K’s Political View, entitiled College Textbook Tax Exemption. The author writes in regards to a bill that the Texas legislature is looking at that would allow for textbooks to be tax exempt for full-time and part-time students. The views of the author are very clear and I completely agree with their argument that textbooks should be taxed exempt.
For textbooks to be tax exempt will allow for students to use the money for other necessities. I understand where the author is coming from when they discussed the prices you paid for your textbooks. This semester I paid over $400 for all my textbooks.
Yes, the savings of 8.25% per semester is very little, but it is very important money that can help students towards other expenses. The money that the students save will be returned back into the economy once the student uses it to purchase something else.
The state of Texas needs to pass this bill to allow students to save some money while attending college. The money will eventually get cycled back into the local economy and will benefit both the student and the government. The author really encouraged the readers to realize the benefits of what this tax exemption will do for the economy. I highly agree with the author and do hope that this bill passes, because I have a couple more semesters of college ahead of me.